Friday, November 6, 2009

Well, that didn't take long

It didn’t even take a full 24 hours for “Fox & Friends” to go there: should the military have special screenings for Muslim soldiers?

While he doesn’t challenge the BS assumption that the military and society at large have grown too “politically correct” (or that being aware of the sensitivities of non-white, able-bodied, hetero men is a negative), Geraldo at least mentions the fact that there are millions of Muslims in the military already. No one had the balls (or maybe the knowledge) to bring up Charles Whitman, the ex-Marine (and youngest-ever Eagle Scout) who killed 14 and wounded 32 in the 1966 University of Texas sniper attack. Should we have special screenings for white male Christians?

When I was reading about the alleged Fort Hood gunman this morning, what struck me was how familiar it all sounds: socially isolated, often under-employed man tries to attain some significance by getting a weapon and going out in a blaze of glory. From Lee Harvey Oswald to Whitman to Mark David Chapman to the man that shot up that gym in Pennsylvania this summer, it’s the same, sad story.

It’s going to take a lot more to convince me that one set of religious beliefs had anything to do with it.

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