Friday, September 5, 2008

Just in case you've bought the MSM's apparent belief that this election is all about who does and doesn't shoot underaged knocked-up moose because they don't wear American flag lapel pins (...or something):

Federal Highway Fund Running Out of Money (or, That Thing That Builds 80 Percent of our Bridges is F*cked)

Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac to be Put Under Federal Control (or, The Guys Who Brought You the War in Iraq Will Now Control Your Mortgage) (alternate title: Seriously Worrisome Precedents, 101) (other alternate: Holy Shizznit, This is Bad)

And just in case you're somehow still of the John McCain/Phil Gramm School, and you believe that our economy is just fine, and you're a whiny baby if you think otherwise...

Unemployment Climbs to 5-year High of 6.1 Percent (or, People Who Lost Their Jobs in August: Ten Times the Population of that Town Sarah Palin was Mayor of)

I used to joke that if McCain won the presidency, I'd have to move to Mexico because I wouldn't be able to afford to live here anymore. Now I don't think I'm joking...

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