Monday, October 5, 2009

We, the incompetent hospital, know what's best

via Feministing:

A 32-year-old Arizona woman pregnant with her fourth child will be forced to have a C-section because her local hospital says it doesn't have the staff to do vaginal births after C-section (VBACs). Apparently the woman, Joy Szabo, had a C-section with her second pregnancy and delivered her third child vaginally... but now the hospital says that's too risky.

First of all, shouldn't a hospital that can't offer a certain medical procedure refer the patient to another hospital that can? Second, this is yet another reminder that reproductive freedom covers sooooooooo much more than abortion.

"The International Cesarean Awareness Network reports that over 31% of US births are now by cesarean section, although a 5% to 10% rate is best for mothers and babies. The extra cost is well over $2.5 billion per year.

Szabo has argued for her point-of-view--that the method of delivery is a birthing woman's right to choose--at a board of directors meeting and has met twice with Chief Executive Officer Sandy Haryasz, who claims that the choice is strictly economic (not enough physicians). So far, there's no progress."

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