Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Still Whining

Carrie Prejean has a book out, and apparently a years-old sexting tape. And I really don’t care. But I DO care about defending myself.

Carrie, honey, you’re young and you’re going to make many more mistakes in your life. You got fired from your beauty queen job because you violated your contract. You’re still in the public eye because you choose to be. And, for the record, here’s how this particular leftist “attacked” you last May:

It's easy to defend people that you approve of. It's not easy for me to defend Carrie Prejean. I think her views on same-sex civil rights are elementary and based on a faulty interpretation of both scripture and law. I think she's letting herself be used by bigots who wouldn't give her the time of day if she weighed 300 pounds and had bushy eyebrows. But I also think that, as poor as her reasoning is, she has every right to her opinion. I also think that the nudie-picture/implant shaming of her is as sexist as when Laura Ingraham tried to shut down Meghan McCain by calling her "plus-sized." As
Feministing wrote today, it's not okay to fight homophobia with misogyny.
So stop your whining. I never did anything to you.

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