Tuesday, August 10, 2010

I don't live in Sarah Palin's America, and I'm proud of it

I made a promise to myself that I wouldn't write anything else about Sarah Palin or her family unless one of them did something politically relevant. I don't care about their never-ending family drama, and it's none of my business. But this kind of is.

Because, the last time I checked, I'm an American. I was born here (and in case Lindsey Graham is keeping track, so were the previous 10 or so generations on both sides of my family), I pay taxes here. And, apologies to Bristol, but your mom doesn't represent me.
She doesn't "represent the United States," either, and the reason for that is that, when Americans had the opportunity to vote for her, nation-wide, they voted for the other ticket. Palin's welcome to try again in 2012, but given her current popularity among both Republicans and the general population, that doesn't look good.
Palin shouldn't bash the media. She should buy them flowers. They're the only reason she's still relevant.

And am I the only one getting REALLY tired of this "real America" crap? It's not just BS, it's dangerous. It's just an attempt to marginalize people who don't agree with you by questioning their legitimacy to even be involved in making decisions. Personally, I feel like showing up for the decision automatically gives you the right to help make the decision. So, people who make the effort to get involved and vote (like the ones who didn't vote for Palin in 2008) ARE legitimate. The ones who are so new to civic engagement that they don't even know that Medicare is a federal program... they have a ways to go with me.

Two more things: a) Please stop saying "lamestream" in reference to the media or anyone else. "Lame" used to mean "bad" is offensive to disabled people (like, for instance, Palin's youngest son).
And b) You rolled your eyes at the teacher, lady. You did. Own it - call her a communist or something - but don't tell me not to trust my lying eyes. You were on frakking camera, and you knew it. It continues to amaze me that a woman with both a college degree and a professional career in journalism is so royally bad at understanding it.


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