Thursday, October 18, 2007

Can't hate the Pats

Interesting column today on Patrick Hruby explains why, despite all the "Cameragate" and garbage-time touchdowns brouhaha, he just can't find it himself to hate the New England Patriots.

I keep hearing more and more people this season unloading on the Pats, and I just keep my mouth shut. I'm mystified by the vitriol - where'd it come from, out of nowhere, overnight? I can only conclude that some level of resentment for New England's continued excellence has been simmering for years, and needed only that BS signal "stealing" in Week 1 to boil over.

I'm with Hruby. True brilliance comes along so rarely in any sport, and almost never in the salary-cap NFL. This isn't pro baseball, where wealthy owners can buy up all the best talent, or Division I college athletics, where...yeah, they're still pretty much buying the talent. Now, that, I can resent. Or, on the flip-side, a team or athlete who's patently NOT excellent, yet is shoved down our collective throat because Nike likes his attitude (Exhibit A: Michael Vick).

Neither applies to the current Patriots dynasty. Hey, I'd love to hate them, too - they kept my Panthers from winning the Super Bowl. But...*sigh* I just can't.

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