Thursday, March 20, 2008

Like, what bomb was that again?

I used to think my dream job would be White House press secretary. Just think - you get to work in the White House, you get to be the official administration spokesperson, you get to date Mark Harmon - oh wait, that was only on "The West Wing."

Anyway, I let it go because, being a government job, it doesn’t pay nearly enough to make up for the high stress and long hours. And I have to admit, a little part of me wondered if I’d ever have the chops to handle such a pressure-filled job.

Day in, day out, you have to demonstrate a command of the issues and articulate the administration’s position with precision. You have to anticipate what reporters will need to know. Like my job now, except that everyone in the world is watching. You have to be off-the-charts smart to be White House press secretary, I thought.

I guess I was wrong.

(I’m trying really, really hard right now not to make a snarky joke about the intellect of those working in the Bush administration, I really, really am.)

I know, Dana. When you’re dropping so many bombs on so many different brown people, it’s just so gosh-darn hard to keep them all straight...If I only we had dicks with which to absorb the knowledge of these munitions from the atmosphere. *sigh*

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