Friday, March 7, 2008

A little more on the "Hooter Girl..."

In an earlier post, I referenced the case last summer where Southwest Airlines detained a female passenger for violating its nonexistent dress code. Basically, her clothes were too skimpy, they said, even though no other passengers complained.

The link that I posted was from a follow-up story on one of MSNBC's blogs. I used this source in favor of others because it contained a picture of the woman and the offending outfit. But I had some issues with it, and I've been thinking on this for a few days.

It bothers me that this writer referred to Kyla Ebbert in the opening sentence as someone who "works at Hooters." This might actually bug me more than the fact that they also noted that Ebbert was a 23-year-old college student.

I don't understand why any of this is relevant to the fact that this woman was nearly kicked off of a flight - for which she paid good money - because some unidentified Southwest staffer thought her clothes were inappropriate.

But mainly, I think the Hooters association is incredibly ironic. This is a woman who makes a living wearing hotpants so some corporate entity can sell more chicken wings, and that's totally fine. But when she has the temerity to go out in public in an outfit you could buy at any Wal-Mart in America, suddenly she's a slut?

I have massive problems with the idea that women's bodies are fair game for men who want cheap thrills with their casual dining, but are shameful in any other setting. I also take issue with MSNBC's apparent shorthand: "Oh, she works at Hooters, no wonder - wink wink." Again, what's the relevance?

We have severe issues with sex in this country - wanting to have our cake and eat it, too, so to speak. Don't take it out on a 23 year-old, please.

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