Monday, September 21, 2009

How long does it take for Chris Wallace to completely lose my respect?

About three and a half minutes, actually.

I've always thought of Wallace kindly. The host of Fox News Sunday doesn't come across to me as partisan. Some of my left-wing friends like to pick on him because he's on Fox, but c'mon, the guy's no Glenn Beck.

Which is why Wallace's appearance on "The O'Reilly Factor" last week was so disappointing. Wallace and O'Reilly have their panties in a bunch because President Obama snubbed them in his mega-interview Sunday, in which the president gave the exact same interview to ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN and Univision. It's disappointing because I would expect an objective journalist to at least mention the fact that Fox refused to air Obama's Sept. 9 health care speech, rather than chalking up the snub to "They don't like us WAAAAAAAHHH!"

Newsflash, Fox: when the president addresses a joint session of Congress, actual news organizations air it live. If your network chooses to go with whatever reality show it airs on a typical Wednesday instead, then it's signaling that it isn't much of a news organization. Therefore, you get bumped in favor of Univision. Wallace refers to the Reagan White House. I'm trying to imagine how Reagan press secretary Larry Speakes (quote: "You don't tell us how to stage the news and we don't tell you how to cover it.") would've reacted to a network refusing to cover a presidential address. My mental image involves a lot of tears outside a locked White House gate.

And in general, it's bad form to whine about someone else's whininess.

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