Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Too busy/tired/unfocused to write lately (including a clever intro to this post), so pretend these are all long, thought-out, witty entries fulll of insightful links instead:

- Tim Tebow's Super Bowl ad: he totally has a right to his opinion, but it's BS for CBS to ok this ad from Focus on the Family having rejected other "advocacy" ads (including those from other religious organizations. And PS, Sarah Palin, SHUT UUUUUUUUUUP. You're hearby never allowed ever again to brag about "choosing life" for yourself until you can come up with another word for "choice," since that's exactly what you'd take away from other women.

- Scott Brown: not a referendum on anything other than who people in Massachusetts wanted repping them in the Senate. Having done GOTV calls in local elections, I know that "protest voters" do exist (people who vote for Republican city council candidates b/c they don't like Obama) - but most people are smarter than that.

- Obama's proposed spending freeze: bad idea. Pissing off your base while not saving that much money. Don't cave to the deficit hawks.

- Rehiring David Plouffe: good idea. Wish it could've happened sooner.

- "Burr's Brigade": actually, I probably will write more about this later. Further proof that conservatives would rather fetishize military service than lower themselves to take part in it.

- Super Bowl: Go Saints! And somehow Peter King will still find a way to talk about Brett Favre for the next two weeks.

- Speaking of football... Having watched far more broadcast TV than normal over the past three weekends, I am prepared to shoot my TV set and burn down Madison Avenue if the following commercials aren't immediately retired: the Toyota one with the emo couple who can't find their retarded dog (he's prob as sick of those damned squeaky toys as I am); the one where the husband whose wife blew their Chase reward points on a dress without his consent takes her on a ski vacation and she still acts like a brat (bonus points for sensationally annoying background music); the one where people would be incapable of writing garage band songs/designing ugly clothes/dancing on subway platforms/fighting in the street, etc., without their Blackberries (even though all you need is love); any commercial where Howie Long looks like he's going to chop me up and hide my body parts in his extra-roomy Chevy (seriously, what's with the pedophile smile?); the one for that local car dealership starring seemingly everyone the dealer knows wearing reject Halloween costumes plus some ostensibly cute little kid who can't speak English; that supremely irritating Bud commercial showing all the various ways people carry multiple beers, which only serves to remind me of Bank of America Stadium's per-person beer limit.

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