Thursday, April 12, 2012

Some women's choices are ok, others not so much

Boy, do I wish I had more time to spend on this one. Because when Democratic strategist-for-hire Hilary Rosen said that Ann Romney "never worked a day in her life," she opened a can of worms that deserves a lot of virtual ink to parse. Let's break it down:

- Rosen does not work for the Obama administration or the president's re-election campaign. The president's actual staff have denounced what Rosen said.

- Rosen has apologized to Ann Romney and clarified that she didn't intend to insult Romney's work as a stay-at-home parent - she says she was only trying to point out that Ann Romney is hardly qualified to speak for women who run households on a hell of a lot less than $20 million+ a year.

- Sorry to burst the bubble of the conservatives who've been desperately scrapping for some talking point to refute the GOP's well-documented and successful war on women, but what Rosen said isn't equivalent in any way to introducing and enacting laws that actually restrict women's freedoms, as opposed to bruising their feelings.

It's important that, once this news cycle blows over, we remember what's really at stake here. It's important that we don't allow one stupid remark by one registered Democrat overshadow the actual record and policy statements of someone currently running to be the Republican party's nominee for president.

Ann Romney's choice to be a full-time stay-at-home parent is perfectly fine, and that's what was best for her family. But let's not forget that a) her family's income is what allowed her to do so, a luxury most American families can't afford, and b) her husband and his party are doing everything they can to make it harder for other families to survive on one income. If Ann Romney really wants stay-at-home parents to be valued and to have the support they need, maybe she should lay off some cable news talking head and have a chat with her husband.

“My career choice was to be a mother and I think all of us need to know we need to respect choices that women make," Ann Romney said today. I have some ideas on where we could start.

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