Monday, January 28, 2008


When I stumbled across this (via Feministing), I thought it was a joke. I mean, it just seems like the kind of oversimplified - for lack of a better word, sorry - hysteria that characterizes the anti-feminist stereotype that we're all crazy screaming man-hating whack-jobs. Unfortunately, it's no bad parody.

The New York chapter of the National Organization for Women (NOW) really did issue this statement decrying Senator Ted Kennedy's "betrayal" of women by endorsing Barack Obama for the Democratic nomination.

Ugh, and more ugh. To echo the Feminsting post, this group does not speak for me. Nor, for that matter, does a 400-year-old senator from Massachusetts. I speak for me, and that's all.

I'm so sick and tired of the notion that all women, even all progressive women, are some monolithic entity that all think and feel and vote the same, and for the same reasons. It's patronizing, and it's just plain lazy. I expect this crap from the Chris Matthewses of the world, but NOW should know better.

Color me disappointed. And kinda pissed.

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