Sunday, February 21, 2010

Rat in a (watery, littery) cage

This actually happened last week, but it's taken me this long to stop hyperventilating:,0,1090717.story

My real-time reaction? AHH! AHH! Oh my hell, that's a (expletive deleted) rat in a (expletive deleted) toilet! Holy OMG, ahh! LOUD NOISES!

Here's the thing: I'm afraid of heights, drowning and housefires. I find all-you-can-eat buffets and cannolis deeply unpleasant. But a frakking rodent invading my home via toilet is a special category of phobia. This actually happened to my grandmother, so it isn't far-fetched. (Only it was a squirrel, and she trapped it with an encyclopedia volume rather than a litter bucket, but whatever.)

So, thanks, local TV, for keeping me up at night!

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