Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Again, NOT the way to go about this

More information is coming out about the man who killed an Army recruiter and wounded another in a shooting in Little Rock, Ark., this weekend. According to the case's prosecutor, the suspect told police he wanted to target members of the military out of protest over the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Just like with the man who murdered George Tiller, I think this is less about the shooter being a true believer and more about an inadequate personality desperate for meaning who latches onto an extremist philosophy so he can "be" somebody. (They would scare me a little less if they didn't have such easy access to guns.)

Plenty of people want the wars to be over, and there are even some who distrust and/or hate anything about the military. But murder is not and never should be an act of protest.

And now a 23-year old soldier who never even left this country is dead. This just makes me sick to my stomach.

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