Tuesday, June 16, 2009


Why is this not over? Better question... why, after her family was used as a punch line for most of last fall, did Gov. Palin suddenly decide to object to jokes about sex with her children?

Hey, she's a politician, and she's doing what politicians do - keeping their names in the headlines. But wouldn't trumpeting her heavy involvement negotiating the deal between ExxonMobile and TransCanada to build an oil pipeline have been a more positive way to do that? I mean, that's an actual accomplishment that a governor can point to on her resume to show her demonstrated vision and leadership. Instead we've spent the last week dissecting funny. Seriously?

And by the way, Letterman's crack about Palin's "slutty flight attendent" look was far more offensive to me than his stupid (and apparently ill-researched) joke about her daughter.

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