Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Nice of you to stop by...

I haven't had much to say about the N.C. governor's race, but this caught my eye. In his ubiquitous TV ads, Charlotte Mayor Pat McCrory is fond of repeating the slogan "The difference is leadership." The ads have always bugged me because (among other reasons), McCrory never says what he thinks "leadership" is.

From what I can tell, a graduate of the Pat McCrory Leadership Academy knows how to make the hard choices. "Huh. My city's been out of gas for two weeks and one of our largest employers just sold itself like a consumptive chick in a Verdi opera. Maybe I should put down the barbecue and go the f*ck home."

Sure, you can't control natural disasters like hurricanes and idiot bankers. But what you can do is at least pretend that you understand and care about what the people you represent are going through. As lieutenant governor, McCrory's opponent Bev Perdue has had to clean up after hurricanes on a fairly regular basis. (There may or may not have been barbecue involved.) Seriously, what's up with these Republicans who can't walk and chew gum at the same time? That's supposed to be leadership?

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