Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Quick hit: Birther Gone Wild

I'm calling it: Orly Taitz is Sacha Baron Cohen's newest character. C'mon, this person cannot possibly be real.

Oh yeah, before I forget... Happy Birthday, President Obama!

UPDATE: I do agree with Taitz on one thing... the MSNBC guy does need to "show some decency and integrity as a journalist," and so does the rest of the mainstream press. If they want to continue reporting on this, hiw abut some actual, you know, reporting? (As opposed to shooting wacky fish in a barrel, I mean.) Here are some questions that an enterprising reporter could look into answering:

- We keep hearing a lot about "long-form" birth certificates. What exactly is this? Is it considered a legal document? I don't have one of these. Did Hawaii even issue them in 1961 when Obama was born? In other words, could he even be expected to have one?

- I've heard that Hawaiian state law doesn't typically allow public release of "long-form" anything. True?

- For that matter, we could use a primer on both U.S. law with respect to citizenship and on how birth certificates are handled. The certificates in particular seem to vary from state to state, as I would expect. How about, instead of Orly Taitz, MSNBC puts on the air a sane person who's willing to say, Hey, Birther Person, I don't care what your mommy has stuck in the family Bible, Hawaii does X. (Or, did X 48 years ago.)

- Repeating for emphasis: can someone other than left-wing bloggers PLEASE remind all the people who apparently slept through 9th grade civics what makes someone a natural-born citizen? Kthanx. (Short version: Obama could've been born in the frakking Kremlin and he'd still be a natural-born citizen because of his mother, provided that he then established residency in the U.S.)

- All of Obama's immediate relatives are dead, but surely there's someone alive who can speak at least in generalities about how Hawaii handled issuing birth certificates and newspaper birth announcements in 1961. It wasn't that long ago.

I don't like this trend that's taken over the news, especially TV news, where "journalists" sit in a studio and let anyone with a mouth push an agenda, rather than going on and discovering actual facts.

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